Purpose of the HDNC

The purpose of the HDNC shall be to serve the people in their neighborhood and community, on a non-partisan, non-commercial basis and to work cooperatively with local, state, and federal government agencies as follows:

A. To provide members of the community a voice, and to strengthen and enrich the quality of living in the community.

B. To select representatives to serve on other organizations and committees, to act in the best interest of the Hilltop District Neighborhood Council.

C. To help residents and businesses determine the important needs and problems of the neighborhood and community by: providing a place where ideas and information can be exchanged, problems studied, and actions planned.

D. To promote a spirit of being a good neighbor, cooperation, mutual respect and goodwill among all the residents and other members of the neighborhood.

E. To improve and maintain the physical facilities and cultural activities in the neighborhood.

F. To sponsor or participate in, alone or with other organizations, programs and events of significant interest to the community.

G. To interest those in the neighborhood in an understanding of the whole community and to develop a willingness to participate as leaders or in sharing responsibilities.

H. To serve as a forum through which plans and projects of various neighborhood, area-wide public and/or voluntary organizations can be presented, understood and supported by, or adapted to the neighborhood.

from the HDNC By-Laws