Become an Active Member of the HDNC
We encourage you to join the Hilltop District Neighborhood Council and make your voice heard as we revitalize the Hilltop District. Your interests are better met when you become member. Most importantly, we need your input and support as we move forward. Everyone is welcome to attend HDNC meetings, but only members can vote.
Membership Information
Membership to the HDNC is open to all residents and individuals with established business interests in the neighborhood.
To become an active member of the Hilltop District Neighborhood Council, please complete the membership form here, click below:.
Annual dues are $10-$15 per voting member/household. The membership dues cover the administrative costs of the HDNC, including Zoom accounts for virtual HDNC Meetings and website hosting costs; payment for the annual membership to the Richmond Neighborhood Coordinating Council; and fund any Hilltop District Neighborhood Council events in our community. To be eligible to vote, you must be in good standing with the HDNC. Please consider joining and supporting the Hilltop District Neighborhood Council today.
Dues are collected via Venmo or Paypal to @hilltopdistrict or by cash/check. Please contact the HDNC Treasurer, Erica Haywood, at ericahay@yahoo.com for more details about payments by cash or check.